24 July, 2008
TiVo - Amazon partnership discussed on Cranky Geeks
I just watched the latest Episode 126, and this week the Cranky Geeks spent a few minutes discussing the new partnership with TiVo and Amazon. Unfortunately, I can't link directly to the spot in the show, but it starts coming out of an ad break, 15 minutes into the show. Cranky Geeks is a weekly techie videocast on the net and available on TiVo as a Season Pass or individual episode.
15 July, 2008
Dish "Divver" is Better than TiVo
This is a pretty funny Dish commercial featuring Frank Caliendo doing his George Bush impersonation. He calls the DVR a "Divver" and how it does "recordification". But the biggest laugh is when they flash "Better than TiVo" on the screen. Ha ha ha, good one, Dish.