04 January, 2006


Networked our Tivo

NetGear WG111
Originally uploaded by webdh.
Over my holiday break I got our Tivo hooked up to the internet. When I first bought the Tivo, I didn't think it was possible to use high speed broadband, because it doesn't have a Ethernet port on the back (which Replay TV has). However, it does have 2 USB ports, and those work just as well but require an adapter. I picked up the Netgear WG111 wireless USB network adapter at Best Buy for $30 (normally $60 with an instant $30 discount). After some setup on the Tivo and configuring on my Netgear router, I had it working. Now the Tivo appears to check for shows more frequently, instead of just once a night when using the phone line. For proof, I was at my desk at 10pm last night, and on My Yahoo, I selected to have Dave Letterman record so I could see the Bill O'Reilly interview. Within 15 minutes, I had a confirmation email that my show was going to record. Heading up to bed just past 10:30 and I see the glowing red light on, Letterman was recording!

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