15 December, 2007



Originally uploaded by hawaii
The Vudu, offers instant access to thousands of movies, HD films, and TV shows from any television. Hawaiian Telcom is testing the VUDU as a way into the video-on-demand market. The box retails for $399, but it's available at select HiTel locations for $199 for a limited time. This blogger received a demo unit and will be putting the Vudu through its paces at Hawaii Blog, bringing it into a home already set up with TiVo, Apple TV, and Netflix. Stay tuned.


I enjoyed your TiVo website and forum. I run an invented slang website Quixotica and came up with some TiVo-related jargon, like "TiVoidance." Maybe you could think of more? Or post this to your website?

n.,1. the act of shunning all potential information outlets (radio, television, I-Phone, BlackBerry, other human beings) so as to keep the outcome of a "TiVo-ed" sporting event a mystery and be able to resume its viewing at any time.

Also applies to reality shows, sitcoms and any other "must see" programming

Might be a good idea for an article. I'd be happy to contribute.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Let me know what you think and if you want any editorial help.


David K. Gignilliat
Myspace: quixotica2008
FaceBoook: David Gignilliat
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