26 March, 2008


All-New 2009 Toyota Corolla - TiVo gift card limit reached

All-New 2009 Toyota Corolla - TiVo gift card limit reached
Originally uploaded by webdh
I thought I was in time to get one of the $5 gift card promos from Toyota, but apparently not. I just got this email in my inbox, saying they ran out of the gift cards. I'll try again tomorrow on 3/27 when they are saying that 5000 more cards will be given away. Here is the email:

Thank You for Watching the 2009 Toyota Corolla TiVo® Showcase! Unfortunately supplies for the $5 Amazon.com® gift card* have run out for this week. But don't give up yet! Check back with the 2009 Toyota Corolla TiVo® Showcase on March 27 when additional Amazon.com® gift cards will be emailed to the first 5,000 viewers who respond to the offer. Don't forget, Broadband users can use the gift card to rent or purchase an Amazon Unbox movie download.

For details about Amazon.com digital downloads, please visit:
This message was sent to you because you or someone in your household requested to receive this special offer from Toyota Corolla through the TiVo® Showcase Menu authorizing TiVo® to send you an email.

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