12 December, 2008


Are we jerks for raving about TiVo?

According this MSNBC tech article, yes we are. The author thinks since it really is just for TV, it's not that important. He goes on to write,
"it's not self-improving and it's not going to cure cancer"

I beg to differ. The benefits of TiVo are countless. Don't most people chat up with friends the valuable products and services they believe in? Why would we be jerks for talking about a great product like TiVo? This author has it wrong and you might be surprised to see the other seven products in the list. A few others don't belong either, but especially TiVo.

This guy is just trolling for links. He just took all of the popular gadgets and is trying to rile up the fanboys. Not everyone is into TiVo, but I don't think any of my friends think I'm a jerk because I love their product.
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